CoverMatch How To

  1. Place the standard next to the area you wish to camouflage using the sticky back to hold it in place.  Do not place the card on the scars, pigmentation or areas of colour difference because this will lead to an incorrect colour match.
  2. Some areas of the face and body may require one person to position the standard and another person to take the photograph.
  3. Ensure the card hole is flat and even on the skin. Avoid any light differences that may create a shadow.
  4. Click to take a photo.
  5. Add your camouflage colour which is highlighted on the screen to the basket.
  6. There is an option to buy suggested colours either side of your selected colour for an optimum colour match.
  7. Click to buy.


Skin Camouflage: Creating a Colour Match

To achieve a good result it is important to use the correct technique when applying skin camouflage creams.  

When the surrounding skin is quite uniform then masking the affected area using a cream matched to the surround can be effective.

However, when the surrounding skin is more variable in appearance, skin camouflage application can often require specific techniques that are tailored to both the area you wish to camouflage and the surrounding skin tone and texture. 

In this case skin that’s been perfectly colour matched can sometimes look unnatural when surrounded by natural colour differences, therefore it’s important to mirror what you see.

Educational videos and expert tutorials will be added below to inform and guide the user, enabling them to achieve the best outcome tailored to their unique skin history.

  • Freckles
  • Thread veins
  • Hair growth
  • Shadows
  • Indentations
  • Graduation of colour
  • Skin discoloration

Some common conditions which affect the colour of the skin can be masked using a range of skin camouflage techniques

Educational videos and expert tutorials will be added below to inform and guide the user on how to use the camouflage creams with confidence. The tutorials will also include an insight as to how to manage your skin camouflage application when using emollients, sun protection and scar management products.

  • Acne Scarring
  • Tattoos
  • Psoriasis
  • Vitiligo
  • Melasma
  • Burn injuries
  • Scarring: Self harm, Skin grafts, Surgical & Skin resurfacing
  • Solar Lentigo
  • Prosthetic margins
  • Port Wine Stains
  • Flushing & Blushing
  • Birthmarks
  • Radiographer’s markings
  • Insect bites
  • Rosacea
  • Thread veins
  • Discoid Lupus
  • Erythema
  • Café au lait
  • Xanthelasma
  • Granuloma Necrobiosis
  • Grit Embedded Injuries
  • Mottled skin